- additive effect
- аддитивный (дополнительный) эффект
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу. 2013.
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу. 2013.
additive effect — the combined effect produced by the action of two or more agents, being equal to the sum of their separate effects … Medical dictionary
additive — [ad′ə tiv] adj. [LL additivus: see ADD1] 1. showing or relating to addition 2. to be added n. a substance added to another in small quantities to produce a desired effect, as a preservative added to food or an antiknock added to gasoline … English World dictionary
Additive color — An additive color model involves light emitted directly from a source or illuminant of some sort. The additive reproduction process usually uses red, green and blue light to produce the other colors. See also RGB color model. Combining one of… … Wikipedia
additive — 1. A substance not naturally a part of a material ( e.g., food) but deliberately added to fulfill some specific purpose ( e.g., preservation). 2. Tending to add or be added; denoting addition. 3. In metrical studies ( e.g., genetics, epidemiology … Medical dictionary
Additive meter — In music, Additive Meter refers to a pattern of beats that subdivide into smaller, irregular groups. It is common in Eastern European musics, and contemporary compositions attempting to emulate such a sound. For example, a time signature like 9/8 … Wikipedia
additive — additively, adv. /ad i tiv/, n. 1. something that is added, as one substance to another, to alter or improve the general quality or to counteract undesirable properties: an additive that thins paint. 2. Nutrition. a. Also called food additive. a… … Universalium
additive — I. adjective Date: 1699 1. of, relating to, or characterized by addition < an additive process > 2. produced by addition 3. characterized by, being, or producing effects (as drug responses or gene products) that when the causative factors act… … New Collegiate Dictionary
additive genetic variance — The net effect of the expresson of additive genes, and thus the chief cause of the resemblance between relatives. It represents the main determinant of the response of a population to selection. Formally, the variance of breeding values … Glossary of Biotechnology
effect — The result or consequence of an action. [L. efficio, pp. effectus, to accomplish, fr. facio, to do] abscopal e. a reaction produced following irradiation but occurring outside the zone of actual radiation absorption. additive e. an e. wherein two … Medical dictionary
additive — Synonyms and related words: accession, accessory, accompaniment, accumulative, addenda, addendum, additament, addition, additional, additory, additum, adjunct, adjuvant, annex, annexation, appanage, appendage, appendant, appurtenance, appurtenant … Moby Thesaurus
additive genes — Genes whose net effect is the sum of their individual allelic effects, i.e. they show neither dominance nor epistasis … Glossary of Biotechnology